Sunday, February 27, 2011

Yea, Yea Whatever

Ok so this is a little late, I forgot to blog before the Student Employment in the Arts conference, because I was just so damned jazzed for it. I also felt a little stressed out after driving back home in swarming blizzard with a bunch of window wipers that just sucked. Actually I think this makes a nice transition into what I want to talk about with my art. I think its possible that by forcing myself to play snake so frequently I have begun to develop super human qualities of hand eye coordination, thus allowing me to steer clear of snowy ditches and exit ramps. Ok, so this is mostly false, but I do feel as though I have grown (backwards?) as a person because of snake--take it how you will. Anyways, Muhatma Candy is near completion, it has taken me a lot of time, I will also start to record some snake games today for the final video. And of course everything is in line for a very large pizza to be ordered tonight, and thus the backdrop of Malcom Chex will be created. I think my product ideas may have taken a bit of a sharp turn, but I can't really divulge without giving to much away. So alas I end this post--as hope to end this class--in somewhat ambiguous fashion, have a great Sunday everybody.


  1. Muhatma Candy is lookin' fine. Completely unrelated: yes the roads were so terrible! What the shit. Glad your snake skills saved the day.

  2. I was terrified seeing those other people in the ditch, but then I felt better and confident with "mo money" at the helm because we almost veered off the road just like the guy that took out the on-ramp sign from above (which looked like a horrific accident), but his snake skills kept us firmly on the road in our chosen lane of travel despite the falterings of the mere mortals around us.
